Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Real State of the Union

Barack Obama would have you think that our "Union" is strong, but the people know differently. That is why his approval numbers have stayed below 50% for months since 2013.  Here are some of the numbers that prove the "Union's" lack of strength.
  • 9.9%: This is the real unemployment rate when the following are taken into consideration: (1) part timers unable to find full time work; (2) underemployed workers; (3) discouraged workers that have given up trying to find a job.
  • The 2nd Quarter 2013: This is when Obama promised that we would see a 5% unemployment rate as his stimulus package was passed into law.  Instead, unemployment didn't hit 5% until late 2015.
  • 8.3%: The current Black unemployment rate.
  • 23.7%:  The rate of unemployment among Blacks ages 16 to 19.
  • 2.1%: The slowest Economic Growth since World War II.
  • 1989: That's how far back you have to go to find the average median household family's current income.
  • 47.6 million: A record number of people in poverty.
  • 27%: The percentage of Blacks in poverty; and 24% of all Hispanics in poverty.
  • 10.8 Million: The number of disabled workers.  Up from 7.4 million when Obama came to office; a 44% increase.
  • 20.3%: The average increase in ObamaCare premiums going into 2016.
Believe me, there are many more statistics that prove this"Union" is not strong, but the key ones listed above speak volumes.


Obama Job Approval:

The Worst [economic] Expansion Since WWII: 

Alternative Measures of Unemployment:

The Employment Situation December 2015 - Bureau of Labor Statistics:

White House Stimulus Predictions for Unemployment:

Record 46.7 Million Americans Live In Poverty; Household Incomes back 1989 levels:

Poverty Rate by Race/Ethnicity:

Table 2. Social Security benefits [including disability beneficiaries], November 2015:

Average Increase in ObamaCare Premiums going into 2016:


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