Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Obama and the Democrat's Priorities Are Out Of Step With America's

Every year, Pew Research conducts a poll to determine what America thinks the nation's priorities should be. The result of this year's poll are as follows:
At the very top, the economy, jobs, terrorism, education, and social security are what American's are most concerned about.  Yet, we have a President who seems to think he's done a good job on the economy, jobs, and terrorism; and, at the same time, completely ignores any meaningful programs to fix our broken education system.  It is interesting to see that there really hasn't been any significant drops in either the economy or jobs as priorities since the President took office in 2009.  I guess that's why, in other polls, many Americans still think we are in a recession.

But, what's more disturbing, is that many of Obama's  priorities -- global warming, infrastructure,  immigration, and income inequality (dealing with the poor) -- are either at the bottom or, in the case of income inequality, are in the bottom half of this year's list.

All too often Obama and the Democrats claim they are more in sync with what Americans need or want.  If that was really true, the Pew poll would be just the inverse of what it really is.

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