Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Property Tax: The Most Unfair Tax of All Taxes

To me, the most unfair tax in the world is the property tax (aka: the real estate tax). It's unfair because the tax is based on the value of home; which you really don't have any control of.  And, that tax is typically designed so that it will increase each year as the value of your home increases; leaving school districts to increase spending based on home values and not necessarily based on any political approval. In fact, prior to the housing collapse, those taxes were actually rising faster than salaries because housing values were skyrocketing.

But, it's mostly unfair because it doesn't care about your current economic situation. Even if you've lost your job, the tax is due; unabated. It doesn't care if you were forced to take a cut in pay. Or, if your income is lower due to retirement. Often, the calculated amount of the tax is driven higher by politicians who want to expand our school systems with the sole intent paying back the teachers and the teacher's unions for their political support.

And, despite a massive loss of home values since housing collapse, most real estate taxes have not gone down. Instead, most communities used "new math" to recalculate the tax and keep it at the same level it was before the housing crisis.

Today, North Dakota voters will vote to eliminate all property taxes.  I Applaud this and I would hope this becomes a trend throughout the United States. 

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