Friday, June 15, 2012

Does Obama Even Remember 9/11?

In speech after speech, Barack Obama keeps blaming George Bush for his own economic and deficit woes.  The way he tells it, Bush took a Clinton surplus and turned it into a deficit by his spending on two wars, and because the Bush tax cuts (for the rich) made it so.

What is really infuriating about Obama's claim (along with many Democrats) is that it completely ignores why there was one of those wars and an increase in deficit spending, and why the tax cuts were even passed into law.  By blaming Bush for these problems, Obama is completely ignoring the impact of 9/11.

Besides the fact that 9/11 forced us to go to war in Afghanistan, that attack on the twin towers sent this country into a tailspin.  People stopped flying; especially to travel locations.  They were scared. Unemployment zoomed in travel destinations such as Las Vegas, Orlando, and Hawaii.  The economy suffered and tax revenues fell; resulting in budget deficits.

On top of that, Federal spending skyrocketed; further causing budget deficits to increase.  President Obama conveniently forgets that the Department of Homeland Security and the hiring of thousands of Transportation Security Administration (TSA) airport screeners arose from the ashes of 9/11.  Billions more were spent on screening devices and baggage scanning systems.  Aircraft cockpit doors were made entry proof.  Billions were spent in beefing up federal buildings in the U.S. and around the world to protect them from either drive up or drive into car bombings and/or walk-in terrorist bombers.   And, billions more were spent on container x-ray devices at every U.S. seaport of entry.

Lastly, the Bush Tax Cuts were passed into law in 2003 because 9/11 had literally slowed the economy to a snail's pace.  In fact, from 2001 to 2003, the economy only grew by an anemic 7.7%; when, in fact, a growth of 18% or more would have have normally been expected.  After the tax cuts became law, the economy recovered; increasing by 26% from 2004 until the the recession hit in 2007.

Obama's claims are truly being taken out of context.  And, don't expect the mainstream media to set the record straight!

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