Monday, March 22, 2010

No One Can Say Obama Is A Popular President Anymore

The last three polls that had been released mid-week last week -- Gallup, Fox Opinion Dynamics, and Rassmussen -- are all now showing Obama's approval rate below his disapproval rate. This upending of what had been an extremely popular President (when he took office) just proves that America is turned off, in mass, by this guy and his policies. To quote his ex-pastor: "The chickens have come home to roost!" Obviously, the American people were duped. Actually, he's doing exactly what he said he would do. But, America didn't listen.

To me, we now have a renegade President and Congress because of the stupidity of the voters of this country. I would hope, in the future, that the American voters get more up to speed about the candidates that they vote for. In the last year we have had an extremely expensive and totally ineffective Stimulus Package. Now, we have health care reform that, in the years to come, will probably bankrupt America. With that, Americans only have themselves to blame for voting this guy into office.


Megan said...

My young friend (19, attending Berkley) said it all after Obama took office: "I voted for him so I could be a part of history." Well, stupid friend, you are. And I blame you every morning when I wake up and that man is still in office.

**** April **** said...

I believe that many people voted based on color, and not character. He's a smooth talker but he has no substance or experience. I just PRAY we can take our country back in November... if not sooner!

Cheryl Pass said...

This is what happens when, as you say, people don't listen. But worse, some are so brainwashed into the insanity we are seeing, that they will never "get it." They won't know what hit 'em when it all crashes in....but we will know. We saw it coming and warned them, but they would not listen. I hope so much we can figure out how to turn this around for our children.

You are, as always, right on target.