Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The 31 Percent Solution: Even Worse Than I Thought

Back in February, Obama announced a plan that he thought would save 9 million homeowners who were either at or near foreclosure.

At the time, I wrote a blog titled "The 31 Percent Solution?" (click to view) where I had said, at best, only about "eleven percent" or 1 to 1-1/2 million of his targeted homeowners would actually get a benefit from this plan. We'll, as usual with Obama, it appears that both he and I were being overly optimistic. With a report that was just released today, Obama's plan was only able to help "nine percent" of those who were supposed be helped by this wildly optimistic project (Click to See Full Story). While I was only off by a couple of percentage points, Obama was off by a whopping 1100 percent! Not even close!

This is just another example of how this Administration and the Democrats are totally unable to deliver on what they say will happen. Just look at the Stimulus Plan and, most recently, the "Cash For Clunkers" program. Now, we are supposed to believe that their Health Care Reform Bill will do everything as promised, too? Just give me a break! I don't even want to here the words "It's Working" from this guy about this, his latest flop!

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