Sunday, June 21, 2009

Obama's Thuggery Tactic Of Calling People Out

If you haven't noticed yet, Obama seems to be using the following tactic to disparage his detractors or certain people or groups that he doesn't like.

First, he publicly calls them out by name. It could be Rush Limbaugh; or, greedy Wall street; or, AIG; or the selfish bondholders at GM; or, most recently, the Fox News Channel.

Then, in doing so he attempts to demonize them and turn public opinion against the named entity. In the case of AIG, the SEIU union members and ACORN followed his lead and actually picketed executive's homes to push public opinion against those people. That stunt was the equivalent of a public flogging.

When Joe the Plumber criticized his higher tax plan, Joe got the "flogging" treatment from every left wing entity in America; including the American media. Similarly, Sarah Palin was compared to a "pig with lipstick" and the left wingers, like Letterman, have continued to attack her, even as of today, in a lemming-like fashion; all for their anointed one, Barack Obama.

In the last week Obama has heavily gone after Fox News. In an interview with Bloomberg, he said that a certain news channel spent all their time criticizing him. During last night's Radio and Television Correspondence Association dinner, he again singled out Fox by saying that he, like Oprah, gave everybody a car company. But, for Fox, he said he gave them AIG. In that joke, he attacked two groups: Fox and AIG.

In the case of Fox, Obama cannot tolerate any dissent. It is sort of like saying: "Though shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain." On top of the calling out of Fox News, he has pulled back his Administration and staff from being interviewed by Fox. The purpose of this kind of behavior by Obama is to force Fox to get in line. And, if they don't, there won't be anymore interviews. Apparently, this thug, Obama, doesn't consider himself the President of all the people. Just the ones he likes.

Obama doesn't just use this tactic on Americans and American entities that he has no use for, he uses it against other countries and their leaders. Recently, he purposely and publicly rejected a dinner invitation with the French President, Nicholas Sarkozy (See Full Story). This was an intentional snub and was done in retaliation to comments that Sarkozy made within the last few weeks.

Obama is devotee' of Saul Alinsky: the founder of Community Organizing groups like ACORN. When it came to opponents he espoused the following serious tactics:
  1. Isolate your opponent or detractor by publicly identifying them.
  2. Demonize them in the process to create public opinion against them.
  3. Then, crush them into submission.
ACORN used this very tactic quite well in getting Banks across America to give out risky loans to low income and minority applicants. They would picket Bank lobbies and store fronts and use the Community Reinvestment Act as their hammer to demonize that bank. They would get the local media involved. And, ultimately, the Bank would give in by issuing more high risk loans. Similarly, Jesse Jackson has used this tactic for years to get money out of Corporations for his Rainbow Coalition and to get companies to hire more minorities.

Make no mistake, Obama is using Chicago-style thuggery politics. He is using ACORN and Saul Alinksy tactics. In doing so, he is stomping all over the freedom of speech in this country. In essence, he is a 'Thug'!

That, to me, makes him less presidential and, probably, the most petty President we have ever had. In support of this pettiness, think about this. Fox News, at best, gets about 3 to 3-1/2 million viewers for any given time slot during the day. This is only 1 percent of all the people in this country. Combined, the Obama networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC get over 15 million viewers each night while they are hyping their new god, Barack. Fox, like Rush Limbaugh, are not big players on the media stage of this country. That's why Barack's attacks are truly petty. It is like fretting over a single leaf that has fallen from a tree! I think Barry would better serve himself by worrying about the increasing loss of job approval points among those Republicans and Independents who might have voted for him. Also, he should start to worry about those previously dedicated Democrats who are now openly criticizing him like Bill Maher, Camille Paglia, Whoopie Goldberg, and so many others.

1 comment:

Megan said...

This is so true--We are becoming a nation of thugs and bullies.

You've touched on many of the same themes as Glenn Beck this week. His following is growing stronger while the President loses approval ratings. Hmmmm... someone can't do the math!

I just love *rolling eyes* politicians who don't understand that they work for US!