Friday, February 13, 2009

The Stimulus Package: $3 Million Per Word

Well, the House of Representatives passed the Stimulus Bill. It totaled $789 billion dollars and was 1071 pages in length. If you use the generally accepted word count of 250 words for a type written page, that's about $3 million dollars per word.

Now, I might be wrong, but how thoughtful and how specific could anyone be in pounding out a spending program, seasoned with a few tax cuts, at a rate of "3 MILLION DOLLARS PER WORD"! And, they passed it without anyone ever really reading it! Just unbelievable!

Also. Don't ever forget. They passed this bill on Friday the 13th.

1 comment:

Megan said...

I so love blurking on your blog! Thanks for all your posts! They just affirm how crazazy--yes, not just crazy, but crazazy--politicians and stupid people are!