Thursday, February 19, 2009

Every Man, Woman & Child Antes Up $300 To Help Out A Billionaire

I was reading the Drudge Report and one headline caught my eye. So, I linked to it.

It appears that the co-founder of Microsoft, an already-billionaire, is about to get another billion dollar benefit or about $333 from every living being who calls themselves an American as a result of this stimulus package (See Full Story).

This is just typical of everything that our government does. There's going to be so much waste, corruption and unintended benefits to the likes of Paul Allen that it is hard to believe our economy will benefit at all. This is what happens when you rush to just throw money out the door; and, mostly, unintended people will wind up with the benefit. If you think that the first TARP plan was wasteful, wait until the final accounting on this Stimulus Bill. And, by the way, it's your money.

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