Monday, January 5, 2009

Just An Old-Time Democrat In A New Wrapper

I remember all those campaign promises of eliminating "business as usual" in Washington. Yes sir, Mr. Obama was all about change. He was going to go through the various government operations and hack away at all the unnecessary spending and waste in our Federal Government.

Well, now, he's for the old-time and the tried and true government building tactics of his Democratic predecessors. That is growing our government into an even bigger monstrosity. While he preaches slimming down the Federal government, he now says he has a target of adding 3 million jobs to your economy. As part of that target, 20% of those new jobs will be in the Federal government (See Full Story). Wow! There is no indication as to the "why" those jobs will be needed; they just will. How surgical and targeted is that! He already has the number and he hasn't even assessed the needs! The "one" knows all and sees all. The Swami Obama speaks.

This comes at a time when most State and local governments are trying to scale back to meet the lower tax revenues resulting from the recession. But, not Mr. Obama. So much for a new kind of government under Mr. Obama.

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